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Genre. ReWork.


Genre. ReWork. is a time based ARG (It is still available to view online but the true version of it is currently unavailable.)

If you wish to experience Genre. ReWork. contact me and we can schedule you to play it.

It was funded and created as part of InterAction.

InterAction is a laboratory for artistic research and development, focusing on participatory immersive theatre, interactive technologies and non-linear gamed narratives. Six Artists create works-in-progress exploring participatory theatre & interactive technologies. A digital festival took place in May 2020 (due to COVID-19 restrictions)featuring live digital events, works-in-progress, panel discussions, workshops & app launches by Local & International Artists.

Genre ReWork. Poster.png

Promo Image for Genre. ReWork.

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Genre. ReWork. Statement

How do we consume media? How often are we deceived? Genre. ReWork explores the human facets of our online, connected world. It is an interactive experience that demands your attention. Anyone who participates in Genre. ReWork. will have a unique interaction with the piece. The participant is an integral part of the story.

It tells a story that fits almost seamlessly into modern day technology. The viewer must navigate Genre. ReWork. at their own pace. Uncovering the story that unfolds before them however they please. Once ReWork goes live it will be available to experience for a finite amount of time.

InterAction Launch



Tara Jaye Burke
Voice Acting by Alex de Vries
Edited by Alan Reilly



Galway Theatre Festival,
My Fellow interAction Artists.

Our Producer Jane Hanberry.

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